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1818 US hwy 52
scranton sc 29591


Walking Track

The Walking Track recently under went a massive resurfacing where all existing pavement was removed and reapplied with twice the thickness of the original.  Come out and enjoy the beautiful colors of the Fall season while exercising on the newly renovated surface.


Walking Track and Park

Address: 2017 State Rd S-21-318; Scranton, SC

Hours of operation: Accessible 7 Days a week 

Open 1 hour Before Sunrise 

Closed 1 hour after Sunse

Park Rules:

  1. No Alcoholic Beverages Allowed in park or parking areas
  2. No Littering of park
  3. Motorized vehicles are not allowed; town vehicles only
  4. Profanity and rowdy conduct are not allowed
  5. Dogs must be on a leash
  6. Children 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult
  7. Walkers and joggers only no bicycles or skateboards