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1818 US hwy 52
scranton sc 29591


Scranton is home to many businesses including those that provide specific services.  Services range from local ownership to those that are branches of larger companies.


The Citizens Bank - Scranton Drive-Thru Branch

Address: 1812 Highway 52 |Scranton, SC | 29591
Phone: 843-389-2080
Fax: 843-389-2089
Hours of Operation: 

Monday – Thursday 8:30-1:00 and 3:00-5:00
Friday: 8:30-1:00 and 3:00-6:00



Our Scranton facility is located on Hwy 52 between Florence and Lake City. This store serves Florence, Williamsburg, and Georgetown Counties. You'll find a large selection of the full line of John Deere products and a showroom full of clothing and m…

Our Scranton facility is located on Hwy 52 between Florence and Lake City. This store serves Florence, Williamsburg, and Georgetown Counties. You'll find a large selection of the full line of John Deere products and a showroom full of clothing and merchandise in Scranton.


Address: 2712 US Highway 52 | Scranton, SC | 29591

Phone: 843-389-2727

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM 


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Carolina Funeral Home

Address: 215 E. US Highway 378 Bypass | Scranton, SC | 29591

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 757 | Scranton | 29591

Phone: 843-389-3780

Fax: 843-389-3782

